
Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Weigh In Wednesday - Weeks 9 and 10

Wow I'm doing a terrible job at keeping up with blog posts!  On the other hand, I've finally got the mommy-routine down, and I'm kicking butt at work too.  There are only a few weeks left of the school year, so I will hopefully be able to devote more time to my blog over the summer.

I'm still eating about the same, although it was my birthday last weekend so of course I went out to eat and let myself have a little dessert.  My weight is about the same, but I feel like a lot of that could be from eating salty foods.  Eating out always causes me to gain weight, even if I'm eating light, because a lot of restaurants over salt their foods!  We also traveled to New York last weekend where we mostly ate deli sandwiches - more salt - but not too many sweets or snacks, so that was good.

Last weeks weigh in was about the same as my usual - I've really been in a plateu.  It was 147.  This week, however, I weighed in at 145.1! I'm back to losing again!  I attribute this to being super busy and not having enough time to snack.  I've also been jogging with our crazy dog in the early evenings which has done a lot for my energy levels.

Baby Haley is starting to cry, so I have to make this short.  Hope to write again next week with another success story!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Weigh in Wednesday - weeks 7 & 8

There is a reason why I haven't been blogging about my weight loss journey lately: because my journey took a pit stop.  I could list all the excuses but thats all they would be, excuses. It doesn't change the fact that I am trying to have a healthier lifestyle. 

Although Haley is the greatest motivation I could ask for, having the support of my husband is key.  He is the most supportive guy and I am lucky to have him, but he was not ready yet to commit to this journey with me when I began two months ago.  So when weeks are rough (like the past 2 weeks) and he has bought frozen pizza, mac and cheese, etc, I indulge. 

Yesterday, he said he looked into Haley's eyes and all of a sudden knew he had to change. And when he wants to do it, he can be such a strict dieter!  That is just what I needed to get my butt in gear.

 Last week I weighed in at 146.  This morning it was 147.  Not terrible numbers (in the past month I think I've steadily put on a pound a week) but I'm also trying to not only look at numbers.  My body shape is changing back to its pre-pregnancy shape. Yesterday I was able to wear an old, nonmaternity pair of pants to work!  It was an amazing feeling when I \zipped them up and could actually get them to button. 

I'm thinking that when school is out (4 more weeks!) I will try the Petite Advantage Diet again.  It is such a great program and will help kick my weight loss back into gear.  It requires a lot of time to put into it, which I just don't have right now.  Another change I will try to make is to continue drinking water and to STOP drinking as many carbonated drinks.  I have been drinking lots of Fresca and other caffeine free diet drinks because they fill me up during snack times and they make my brain think I'm getting caffeine (Haley doesn't do well with too much caffeine so I've cut back).  I can tell a big difference in how those drinks make me bloated and increase my weight gain.  So no more of that!

Even though the past 2 weeks have not been great on the scale, I feel SO motivated now.  And with summer right around the corner, I know I will reach my goal by the end of the summer.  I can't wait to step on the scale in August and see a number in the 120's!

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Weigh In Wednesday - Week 6

This week I wasn't expecting much on the scale since last week I had such a great weight loss (3 pounds).  I was right - I pretty much stayed the same, at 143.4.   But I've done two major things differently this week so I'm expecting to lose again next Wednesday.

1.  Drink A LOT of water.  We're not talking 8 glasses a day.  I bought a 54 oz mug at Buc-ces and I fill it up TWICE a day with water.  At first it was hard to find the time and the will power to consume 128 ounces of water in a day.  However, working in a profession where I'm on my feet talking all day, I need to stay hydrated.  And the more I drank it, the more I got used to drinking so much water.

2.  Eat TONS of fiber.  I've been buying Oroweat Double Fiber bread.  Each slice contains 5 grams of fiber - so if I make a healthy sandwich for lunch, I get 10 grams of fiber! Thats more than a third of the recommended daily amount of fiber!  I have also started eating Fiber One brand pancakes for breakfast.  It comes in a dry mix.  Just add water, and they only take a few minutes to cook on the stove.  I sometimes mash a banana and add it for extra flavor.  Yum!

Also, if I get hungry in between meals, I eat a Fiber One Oat and Chocolate bar, or a Nature Valley protein bar with fiber.  They are very filling and do not taste diet at all!

Try these tips, and you will definitely feel more full throughout the day!

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Weigh in Wednesday Week 5

Wow - its been five weeks since I began this journey!  I still haven't had fast food, I still haven't been snacking as much (4-5 pm is my weak hour!), and I'm trying to stay as active as I can.  It's been tough with work, although I do work on my feet which helps me burn a few extra calories.  I wonder if dealing with wild and crazy teenagers burns calories?  My students all have "spring fever" and have totally checked out.  When I told them that they have been infected with spring fever and its going around the 8th grade BAD, they asked what it was and if everyone was going to be okay. Cute!

So anyways, stepping on the scale yesterday, I actually felt very confident.  I have been too busy to eat too horribly.  I usually pack a deli sandwich for lunch which satisfies me but is very low calorie (about 200 calories, plus a 100 calorie snack like an apple or cheez its).  But I was still shocked when I saw that the scale read 143.2!  In 5 weeks I have lost 8 pounds! 

I now weigh around what I weighed when I found out I was pregnant.  My weight has always fluctuated around a 4lb grayscale, and at that time I was between 138-142.  Almost down to my pre-pregnancy weight! 

I have re-worked my goals a bit for over the summer.  We decided to keep our nanny for the summer, since I will be teaching summer school (hopefully) and going to a lot of trainings.  I'm going to use the free time I have while we have child care to get some serious exercise in.  I want to be able to run 3 miles again without feeling like my chest is going to explode.  Running is one part of my goal.  The other is to lose a pound a week.  I have about 9 weeks till the end of summer (geez it hasn't even started yet, I do NOT want to start a count down).  That would put me at 134 at the start of the school year.  I think I can do it.  No, I KNOW i can do it!

... and so can you!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Weigh In Wednesday - Week 4

I can't believe it's been a month since I started this adventure, and I'm not where I thought I would be.  I naively imagined toned thighs, killer abs, and the ability to run for miles without stopping.  However, I have continued abiding by my no fast food rule, I hardly eat any "junk" food, and I exercise when I can, even if its just once or twice a week.

I had a bad, bad diet day last Sunday.  I had lots of yummy food in front of me at a gathering of friends, and instead of hearing that voice say "you don't need this" I heard myself say "oooh have another cookie!"  Since then I've been extra good to make up for it, but I really need work on stopping myself before it is too late when it comes to food. 

A contestant on NBC's "The Biggest Loser" said something this season that stuck with me.  He said you have to want it in order to lose the weight.  That means you have to want it more than that cupcake, or that cookie, for you to be successful.  So now my mantra is going to be I want it more than this whenever I am tempted by food.

So now for the weigh in.  Four weeks.  I should have lost between 2 - 8 pounds this month if I'm going by my goal of .5 - 2 pounds a week.

This week's weight... 146.5!  I'm down a pound from last week.  That's not bad for going back to work and not having much time to head to the gym!

This month I've lost 4.5 pounds.  When summer break starts (in 7 weeks) I should have more time to workout.  Then I can seriously imagine those thighs, abs, etc and possibly see my dreams come true!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Weigh In Wednesday - Week 3

This week my weigh in was not so great.  I knew that going into it.  It wasn't like last week where I knew it wasn't ideal, but I had done some working out and ate well enough to lose maybe a pound (but instead I lost two pounds!).  I hadn't gone to the gym since Saturday and started snacking again.  On a related note, why do we have potato chips in the house??

There is a  reason why I didn't do so well this week, and its not because of the potato chips.  I went back to work.  It was so hard getting back into the routine of getting up at five in the morning - oh the joy of teaching!  It is kind of nice going to work because I love what I do.  If I hated my job it would be so much harder.  But it was very difficult to be away from Haley.  I knew she was in good hands (we found a nanny on who we really trust) so that made it easier.  And its the best feeling in the world  when I come home and she recognizes me, giving me that beautiful smile

Finding time to pump was very difficult, especially in a middle school with teenagers who don't have any respect for privacy.  My options for pumping were to do it in the book room (which is hardly used, stuffy, and doesn't have much room to even sit in), in my car (but who has time to go out to the parking lot when you only get 25 minutes for lunch?), or in my classroom where all my fellow teachers have a key, AND I have one of the few printers on my hall so many people come and go to pick up what they have printed.  I decided to try my room since it is the most comfortable, and it left the most time to eat lunch and possibly get some work done.  It has worked fine so far - I just put a "do not come in" sign on my door.  I hope that any of you readers who have to pump at work don't have this issue, and have a designated room for nursing moms at your place of work!

Anyways, I'm getting off topic on purpose so that I can avoid telling my weight...

When I stepped on the scale this Wednesday morning, the digital scale did that thing where it shows a few other weights before it settles on the actual number.  It stopped at 146.0 (which is over a pound less than last week!) but after a second, tricked me and switched to its final destination.  147.5.  That's less than half a pound more than last weeks 147.2  Its not bad for not going to the gym but once.  But its not where I wanted to be with my goal of losing .5 - 2 pounds a week.  That means this next week I will have to work extra hard.

My best friend wants me to do a 4K with her this weekend.  I'm thinking after this weeks adventure on the scale, I should bite the bullet and do it.  I might not be able to run without stopping, but I am willing to challenge myself and try!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Freezer Meals Part 2

A couple of days ago I posted the first five recipes for my freezer meal themed posts.  I absolutely love freezer meals and once-a-month-cooking.  It saves so much time and money, and makes my life 10 times easier. 

I hope you all enjoy the next five recipes I have to share with you!

Notice that most of the meals I make are either Mexican inspired or Asian inspired! I'll try to throw in a few more Italian or American dishes next time.  To lighten up these recipes or any meal, you can always substitute lean ground turkey instead of red meat.  I made the switch a few years ago and I don't even notice a difference.

Let me know if you try these recipes by leaving a comment!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

A Challenging Workout

I found a workout plan online that seemed really tough, but I wanted to see if I could meet the challenge.  The original routine called for 5 sets of 10 reps of each of these exercises.  I challenged myself to try to do as many sets as I could.  After the first set, I was so exhausted and thought I was going to pass out.  After reminding myself I need to eat more protein before an intense workout, I made it through one more set before I REALLY thought I was going to pass out - I even had to put my head between my legs when the room started spinning.

Not to scare you guys out of trying this challenge! Just know your limits.  I really wanted to do at least half of the sets in the challenge, but I knew I needed to slow down. Plus, I had to walk home from the gym.  Remember in a previous post where I said my goal for today would be to jog at least a .25 of a mile to the gym?  I have no idea how far in miles the distance was, but I did make it pretty far down the street - farther than I've made it before!  I'll try to remember to chart the distance when I make the drive next time.

Anyways, here is the 10 rep challenge that I did.  If you are competitive (like me), try to beat my number of sets! Can you do three sets of these?

Monday, April 1, 2013

Freezer Meals Part 1

When my daughter Haley was born, my sister gave us the best gift possible - she came to our house while we were in the hospital and cooked 15 meals for us.  She used the "once a month cooking" (or OAMC) method that is trending on Pinterest and blogs everywhere.  After a week of eating these easy to prepare meals, I was hooked on OAMC.  My sister's meals lasted about 6 weeks.  Then, I created my own meals, spent one Friday afternoon cooking about 20 meals which have lasted 2 months - and counting!  Each meal feeds my husband and I both for dinner, and has enough leftovers for lunch the next day.
15 Frozen Meals in Ziploc Bags All Fit on Bottom Shelf of Freezer! On Second Shelf From the Bottom are Frozen Casseroles

What OAMC consists of is spending about $130 at the grocery store, chopping vegetables, measuring sauces, mincing garlic,etc, and adding all ingredients to ziploc bags.  You then label the bags with the name of meal and brief cooking instructions, and freeze.  Most meals are cooked in a crockpot, which makes for super quick and easy weeknight dinners.  This budget of $130 (including bags of frozen steamfresh veggies as sides) made me about 21 ziploc bags and pans of food - each containing at least 3 servings a piece!

Below are five of my favorite recipes. Four are "ziploc" crock pot meals and the last is an oven meal.

All recipes are meant to be frozen, then thawed before cooked.

I will be posting additional recipes in the future, but for now, try out freezer meal cooking and let me know what you think!

Sunday, March 31, 2013

My Favorite Playlist

When I exercise, I have to have music playing.  Otherwise, I get bored and don't tend to workout as long or as hard.  Since getting back into my workout routine, I have added roughly 200 songs to my phone.  I found an awesome app (and its free!) called Music Paradise.  I have been adding songs to my workout playlist through this app and it has totally reshaped how I workout. 

There are many different types of music I like to workout to. Some are fast paced to keep me energized.  Some have a great beat to run to so I can set my pace to the music.  My favorite songs to listen to, however, are those that motivate and inspire me.  I'm so excited to share this playlist with you all!

What are some of your favorite songs to workout to?
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