
Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Weigh In Wednesday - Weeks 9 and 10

Wow I'm doing a terrible job at keeping up with blog posts!  On the other hand, I've finally got the mommy-routine down, and I'm kicking butt at work too.  There are only a few weeks left of the school year, so I will hopefully be able to devote more time to my blog over the summer.

I'm still eating about the same, although it was my birthday last weekend so of course I went out to eat and let myself have a little dessert.  My weight is about the same, but I feel like a lot of that could be from eating salty foods.  Eating out always causes me to gain weight, even if I'm eating light, because a lot of restaurants over salt their foods!  We also traveled to New York last weekend where we mostly ate deli sandwiches - more salt - but not too many sweets or snacks, so that was good.

Last weeks weigh in was about the same as my usual - I've really been in a plateu.  It was 147.  This week, however, I weighed in at 145.1! I'm back to losing again!  I attribute this to being super busy and not having enough time to snack.  I've also been jogging with our crazy dog in the early evenings which has done a lot for my energy levels.

Baby Haley is starting to cry, so I have to make this short.  Hope to write again next week with another success story!

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