
Thursday, April 4, 2013

Weigh In Wednesday - Week 3

This week my weigh in was not so great.  I knew that going into it.  It wasn't like last week where I knew it wasn't ideal, but I had done some working out and ate well enough to lose maybe a pound (but instead I lost two pounds!).  I hadn't gone to the gym since Saturday and started snacking again.  On a related note, why do we have potato chips in the house??

There is a  reason why I didn't do so well this week, and its not because of the potato chips.  I went back to work.  It was so hard getting back into the routine of getting up at five in the morning - oh the joy of teaching!  It is kind of nice going to work because I love what I do.  If I hated my job it would be so much harder.  But it was very difficult to be away from Haley.  I knew she was in good hands (we found a nanny on who we really trust) so that made it easier.  And its the best feeling in the world  when I come home and she recognizes me, giving me that beautiful smile

Finding time to pump was very difficult, especially in a middle school with teenagers who don't have any respect for privacy.  My options for pumping were to do it in the book room (which is hardly used, stuffy, and doesn't have much room to even sit in), in my car (but who has time to go out to the parking lot when you only get 25 minutes for lunch?), or in my classroom where all my fellow teachers have a key, AND I have one of the few printers on my hall so many people come and go to pick up what they have printed.  I decided to try my room since it is the most comfortable, and it left the most time to eat lunch and possibly get some work done.  It has worked fine so far - I just put a "do not come in" sign on my door.  I hope that any of you readers who have to pump at work don't have this issue, and have a designated room for nursing moms at your place of work!

Anyways, I'm getting off topic on purpose so that I can avoid telling my weight...

When I stepped on the scale this Wednesday morning, the digital scale did that thing where it shows a few other weights before it settles on the actual number.  It stopped at 146.0 (which is over a pound less than last week!) but after a second, tricked me and switched to its final destination.  147.5.  That's less than half a pound more than last weeks 147.2  Its not bad for not going to the gym but once.  But its not where I wanted to be with my goal of losing .5 - 2 pounds a week.  That means this next week I will have to work extra hard.

My best friend wants me to do a 4K with her this weekend.  I'm thinking after this weeks adventure on the scale, I should bite the bullet and do it.  I might not be able to run without stopping, but I am willing to challenge myself and try!

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