
Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Weigh In Wednesday - Week 4

I can't believe it's been a month since I started this adventure, and I'm not where I thought I would be.  I naively imagined toned thighs, killer abs, and the ability to run for miles without stopping.  However, I have continued abiding by my no fast food rule, I hardly eat any "junk" food, and I exercise when I can, even if its just once or twice a week.

I had a bad, bad diet day last Sunday.  I had lots of yummy food in front of me at a gathering of friends, and instead of hearing that voice say "you don't need this" I heard myself say "oooh have another cookie!"  Since then I've been extra good to make up for it, but I really need work on stopping myself before it is too late when it comes to food. 

A contestant on NBC's "The Biggest Loser" said something this season that stuck with me.  He said you have to want it in order to lose the weight.  That means you have to want it more than that cupcake, or that cookie, for you to be successful.  So now my mantra is going to be I want it more than this whenever I am tempted by food.

So now for the weigh in.  Four weeks.  I should have lost between 2 - 8 pounds this month if I'm going by my goal of .5 - 2 pounds a week.

This week's weight... 146.5!  I'm down a pound from last week.  That's not bad for going back to work and not having much time to head to the gym!

This month I've lost 4.5 pounds.  When summer break starts (in 7 weeks) I should have more time to workout.  Then I can seriously imagine those thighs, abs, etc and possibly see my dreams come true!

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