
Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Weigh In Day - Week 1

Today was my first official weigh in day!  I haven't yet posted what exactly my goals are so I'll explain that a bit before I reveal how the scale fared this morning.

I'd say that I'm trying to get back to my "high school weight" but even in high school I was constantly trying (unsuccessfully) to lose weight.  In fact, when I was a senior in high school I was told by my doctor that I was 15 pounds overweight - and I only weighed 120!  Those of you who are short like me understand the pressure I feel to fit into that ideal weight range for women under 5'4", which is 95-110 pounds.

I was so upset about being overweight when I went off to college, but little did I know that I would spend the next ten years trying to get back to that size. By the time I graduated college in 2005, I weighed 140 pounds - but man, it was fun putting that weight on!  More importantly though, I was extremely out of shape and hardly ever got any exercise.

I got a job in a restaurant where the fast pace and heavy lifting caused me to stay in better shape.  I took up running and ended up running in my first 10k! I was down to 128 pounds but still felt I wasn't as fit as I could be.

Then I went through a whole bunch at once - a career change, my parents got divorced, I got engaged - and put the weight back on.  I gained 10 pounds in one month, and this time around it wasn't so fun putting that weight on.

After the wedding, I stayed at a constant 140.  I tried losing weight before getting pregnant (doing the Petite Advantage plan) and went down to 130 two weeks before finding out I was pregnant with beautiful Haley!  Then came the cravings...  I ended my pregnancy at 170 pounds 8 weeks ago, and started my weight loss journey a week ago at 151.4 pounds. 

That brings me to this morning.  Stepping on the dreaded scale.  I had hoped to lose about a pound a week, which is a reasonable weight loss goal. My ultimate goal is to be fit, but my number goal is 120 pounds (and all muscle)!

Wait... what? the scale says 149.3!  Down two pounds! And I feel like I could've pushed myself even harder, I just didn't want to start off too strong and lose my stamina.

So I am putting two dollars in my Tip Jar for the two pounds I've lost and am $2 closer to a rewarding massage!  If you haven't started a tip jar yet for yourself, you should.  Its a great rewards system for working out and dieting and exercising regularly.

So imagine my shock when I saw I had lost 2 pounds this week! Go me!

I encourage you all to take this weight loss journey with me.  Please follow my meal plans and workouts, and post comments with how much you have lost as well!  Anyone have a success story this week?

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