
Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Weigh in Wednesday - weeks 7 & 8

There is a reason why I haven't been blogging about my weight loss journey lately: because my journey took a pit stop.  I could list all the excuses but thats all they would be, excuses. It doesn't change the fact that I am trying to have a healthier lifestyle. 

Although Haley is the greatest motivation I could ask for, having the support of my husband is key.  He is the most supportive guy and I am lucky to have him, but he was not ready yet to commit to this journey with me when I began two months ago.  So when weeks are rough (like the past 2 weeks) and he has bought frozen pizza, mac and cheese, etc, I indulge. 

Yesterday, he said he looked into Haley's eyes and all of a sudden knew he had to change. And when he wants to do it, he can be such a strict dieter!  That is just what I needed to get my butt in gear.

 Last week I weighed in at 146.  This morning it was 147.  Not terrible numbers (in the past month I think I've steadily put on a pound a week) but I'm also trying to not only look at numbers.  My body shape is changing back to its pre-pregnancy shape. Yesterday I was able to wear an old, nonmaternity pair of pants to work!  It was an amazing feeling when I \zipped them up and could actually get them to button. 

I'm thinking that when school is out (4 more weeks!) I will try the Petite Advantage Diet again.  It is such a great program and will help kick my weight loss back into gear.  It requires a lot of time to put into it, which I just don't have right now.  Another change I will try to make is to continue drinking water and to STOP drinking as many carbonated drinks.  I have been drinking lots of Fresca and other caffeine free diet drinks because they fill me up during snack times and they make my brain think I'm getting caffeine (Haley doesn't do well with too much caffeine so I've cut back).  I can tell a big difference in how those drinks make me bloated and increase my weight gain.  So no more of that!

Even though the past 2 weeks have not been great on the scale, I feel SO motivated now.  And with summer right around the corner, I know I will reach my goal by the end of the summer.  I can't wait to step on the scale in August and see a number in the 120's!

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