
Saturday, March 30, 2013

Weight Training

I hadn't been to the gym for a few days and was not feeling up to a super intense calisthenic workout today.  I promised myself I would go to the gym extra long tomorrow (hubby is off of work so I have freedom while he stays home with baby Haley) if I did a quick weight lifting workout tonight.  It took about 30 minutes and my arms and legs are pretty sore, so I know I got good exercise even though it didn't tire me out too much.  Here is what I did:

Tomorrow my goal is to jog to the gym - which is a mile and a half.  I'm going to jog until I'm truly tired, which will hopefully be at least a quarter of a mile.  I used to be able to run much longer without getting winded, but hey I just had a baby.  Its going to take some time to get back that endurance.

One way that I like to train myself to start running longer distances is to do interval running.  I'll walk at a fast pace for 2 minutes, run for one minute, then repeat for a total of 20 minutes.  Every week I'll change the intervals so that I am running longer and walking less each week.

Would you like to be able to run longer?  Have you already tried interval running? Did it work for you?

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