
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Weigh In Wednesdays - Week 2

This was a tough weigh in day for me.  We had family and friends visiting for the past six days.  Guess how many times I went to the gym during those 6 days?  ONE.  I'm disappointed in myself.  There were a few moments this past week where I started to feel myself slip out of this healthy lifestyle and into the person of my past who sits on the couch eating an entire family size bag of chex mix (yes this really happened).

So when I stepped on the scale this morning, I had all kinds of mixed emotions.  There was a voice in my head saying, "Just skip this weeks weigh in! You had so much going on, that's definitely a valid excuse."  There was another voice saying, "Week two is always the hardest - you'll just work out extra hard this week!"  In truth, I didn't eat horribly.  When we ate out, which we did for at least one meal a day, I tried to order healthy and avoided eating all the bread on the table.  I kept pretty busy keeping the house clean, and we went for walks a few times which is a little exercise!

After a few minutes of this inner conversation with myself, my feet somehow picked themselves up and placed themselves on the scale.  When I saw the number, I actually stepped off and back on to try again - I couldn't believe it!

147.2! I lost another 2 pounds!

Yes, I had that nagging voice in my head immediately after ("if you had gone to the gym or ate better, just imagine how much you would've lost!") but I'm trying ignore it.  Two pounds is something to be proud of, so for today, I am going to pat myself on the back and take it one day at a time.

Good job, me!

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